Adding Value To Your Florida Home With Landscaping

by Brian Eichler P.A. 10/22/2018

If you want to sell your Florida home soon, you want to make sure you get the most value out of your home sale. Any project you consider doing on your home before you sell will pos the question, “How much return will I get for my investment?” Landscaping may be one of these projects. Will you actually get a return if you do any sort of outdoor improvement? The answer is yes! How much and in what way is another matter. The bottom line is that curb appeal adds value to your home. Curb appeal also makes your home more enticing.

Make It Welcoming

A home with a better landscape is more appealing to buyers. The only people this will affect are those buyers who are looking to buy a fixer-upper. For these buyers, the appearance matters much less. As a seller, you’re probably not even trying to reach them. 

How Much To Invest

You should invest about 10 percent of the value of your home on landscaping. If you think that is a significant investment, you’re right. That’s $20,000 on a $200,000 home. If this suggested price tag seems steep to you, there are plenty of little things that you can do to improve the landscape of your home without breaking the bank. Small landscaping projects for you to conquer are:

Adding shrubs

Adding seasonal flowers





These are seasonal projects you might tackle as a homeowner anyway. Just cleaning up your yard of leaves and debris can even be a considerable improvement. Any of the above-listed projects can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. The goal of any outdoor project is to make your home look good from the curbside.     

Small changes can make a significant impact on a home’s appearance. The unfortunate thing is that no formula tells a homeowner how much of a return they will get for spending both money and time on landscaping. The crucial information is that it will be worth it. Your Florida home will be more attractive and sell for at least a little bit more when there is a good landscaping plan in place. 

Low Maintenance Buyers

The downside of elaborate home landscapes is that buyers who are seeking a low maintenance yard will scare away. Some buyers don’t want any kind of extensive job in their yard to upkeep. The more complex the landscape, the more significant the risk you’re taking as a seller.

The Simple Things

Just focus on the simple things when it comes to landscaping before selling your home. Clean, trim, do some minimal planting, add potted plants, and mulch the yard. From there, a new buyer can mold the outdoors of your home the way they want.        

About the Author

Brian Eichler P.A.

Hi, I'm Brian Eichler and I'd love to assist you. Whether you're in the research phase at the beginning of your real estate search or you know exactly what you're looking for, you'll benefit from having a real estate professional by your side. I'd be honored to put my real estate experience to work for you.